Home    Crenshaw Emergency Disaster Preparedness Expo


Gayle Anderson was live in Reseda at the Volunteer Emergency Command Center (VECC) Operations Valley Bureau, one of the many participants in the Saturday, October 7th, 2017 CRENSHAW COMMUNITY DISASTER PREPAREDNESS EXPO 2017 at West Angeles Cathedral in Los Angeles.

The goal of the free event is to be sure communities are aware of the resources and information available to get ready for next emergency or disaster; earthquake, fire, flood and more.  The kind of information available will include:

*Ready.gov is continuing their commitment to help us prepare ourselves in case of emergency, with an emphasis on preparedness for youth, older adults, and people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs. Ready.gov has Build an Emergency Kit information.

*The Department of Homeland Security’s Preparing for Disaster information.

*Download the FEMA app for disaster resources, weather alerts, and safety tips.

*Get information on building your own emergency kit and plan, as well as preparing your car, your family, your pets and more HERE.

*Get the Department of Homeland Security’s “Active Shooter Pocket Card.

*Watch the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s training video “Surviving an Active Shooter”.

Saturday, October 7th, 2017
10am to 4pm
West Angeles Cathedral
3600 Crenshaw Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90016
(323) 733-8300


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